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Why Energizers in Training Programs Should Go Beyond Just Re-Energizing Participants: A Learning Experience​​


Hi, I’m Hariprasad, a digital transformation coach. In my years of conducting training programs and coaching sessions, I’ve found that activities and energizers are often used as a tool to “wake up” the audience, boost energy levels, or simply break the monotony of a long session. While that’s important, I believe there’s much more that energizers can offer.

Many trainers tend to overlook a key opportunity: using these energizers not only to reinvigorate participants but also to provide them with a meaningful learning experience. When used strategically, activities can become powerful tools to break through mental barriers, shift perspectives, and foster personal growth. Let me explain this idea further with a real example from one of my sessions.

A Powerful Lesson: The One-Leg Jump Challenge

Imagine you’re in one of my sessions. I start by asking a seemingly simple question to the group:

“How many one-leg jumps do you think you can do in 30 seconds?”

The responses are usually modest. Most participants respond with numbers like 20, 30, or 40. They believe this is the realistic limit for them. Their minds are working within the boundaries of what they perceive to be their physical ability in a short period of time.

After collecting these responses, I tell them, “Alright, let’s put it to the test!” I set the stage by playing upbeat music to get everyone in the right mindset, followed by a countdown timer set for 30 seconds. I then encourage them to do as many one-leg jumps as they can within that time frame, adding a little incentive—a prize for the person who achieves the most jumps.

The Results: Breaking Through Mental Barriers

When the timer starts, participants eagerly begin jumping, their initial numbers still in their minds. But as the 30 seconds roll on, something interesting happens. Almost all of them surpass the number they initially guessed. People who thought they could barely reach 30 jumps are now completing 60, 70, and even 100 jumps. The room is filled with surprise, laughter, and most importantly, a sense of accomplishment.

At the end of the activity, everyone is not only energized, but they’re also struck by a deeper realization. They’ve just proven to themselves that their own self-imposed limits were false. They could do far more than they thought, and all it took was an attempt—a willingness to try.

The Learning Takeaway: Breaking Limiting Beliefs

This simple activity goes beyond just a quick physical boost. It’s a powerful demonstration of a lesson we all need to internalize: *break your limiting beliefs*.

We all have internal barriers—beliefs that tell us we can’t do more than a certain amount, that we have a “limit” to our capabilities. In the context of this exercise, that belief might have been tied to how many jumps someone thought they could do in 30 seconds. But this belief is symbolic of broader mental limits we place on ourselves in our personal and professional lives.

After the exercise, I always take a moment to reflect with the participants. I ask them:
“What was your initial number, and how many jumps did you actually complete?”

Most of them are astonished at how much more they were able to do than they thought. This is when I emphasize the learning: “What other beliefs are you holding onto that limit you? If you push yourself beyond what you think is possible, what more could you achieve?”

It’s a transformative moment for many. The lesson here is clear—what we think we are capable of is often far less than what we can actually achieve. The only way to break those limits is by challenging them head-on, just as they did during the activity.

Why Energizers Should Be More Than Just Fun

Now, why is this important in training programs? Often, energizers are seen purely as a fun break from the serious content of a workshop or session. The common purpose of energizers is to help participants refocus, stay engaged, or shake off fatigue. But trainers can take it a step further. By designing energizers that are not only fun but also deliver a core learning experience, you can enhance the overall value of your session.

Here are some reasons why every trainer should aim to turn energizers into learning moments:

1. Reinforce Key Concepts: Energizers can be directly tied to the content of the session. For instance, if you’re running a program on overcoming challenges or embracing innovation, an energizer that challenges limiting beliefs, like the one-leg jump challenge, perfectly aligns with the theme.

2. Physical Activity Enhances Learning: Studies have shown that physical activity stimulates brain function and increases cognitive engagement. This means participants are more likely to retain the key lessons of the training when those lessons are tied to physical, engaging activities.

3. It Creates Memorable Experiences: People are more likely to remember concepts that are taught through experiences rather than simply through lectures or presentations. The one-leg jump challenge sticks with participants long after the session because it was something they physically experienced and emotionally connected with.

4. Personal Growth and Reflection: Energizers that push participants to break their self-imposed limits create opportunities for personal growth. These activities provide more than just a burst of energy—they also offer participants the chance to reflect on their own mindsets and beliefs, leading to deeper personal insights.

How You Can Apply This to Your Own Training Programs

As a trainer or coach, you can easily implement this approach in your sessions. Here’s how:

1. Design Challenges That Stretch Participants: Think of activities that encourage participants to go beyond what they think they can achieve. These challenges don’t have to be physical—they can be mental, creative, or even social. The key is to create a situation where participants must confront their assumptions and push past them.

2. Incorporate Reflection: After the activity, take time to debrief and reflect with the group. Ask questions that lead them to recognize how they underestimated themselves and what they learned from the experience. This reflection helps cement the lesson in their minds.

3. Make It Fun but Meaningful: While it’s important to maintain the fun and energizing aspect of the activity, make sure the learning experience is equally emphasized. The energy boost is just the beginning—the deeper impact comes from the insights gained through the experience.

Conclusion: Energizers as Tools for Transformation

In conclusion, energizers in training programs shouldn’t just be about getting people moving or injecting some fun into the session. They can and should be designed to offer meaningful learning experiences. Activities like the one-leg jump challenge serve not only to energize the room but to show participants that their limits are often self-imposed, and that with the right mindset, they can achieve far more than they ever thought possible.